When you rent out things for repair, you have to ask for a price. Here the client could not pay, and the master offered her to repay the debt $ 500 with her body. That's a good price even for a decent girl. Apparently this thought also came into her pretty head - the gadget is more expensive. Well, when she saw his powerful cock, the remnants of pride completely evaporated. Good decision - clever blonde!
Abraham 42 days ago
all the cum on her face.
Baber 30 days ago
it's okay, you can watch it a couple of times...
Erin 60 days ago
Large breasts, tongue piercing and sexy glasses on her face. Just a gentleman's kit for a good blow job! Relaxed, you're just washing your gorgeous breasts with your hand and you don't have to worry about spurting sperm in your lady's eyes. That's a good one.
When you rent out things for repair, you have to ask for a price. Here the client could not pay, and the master offered her to repay the debt $ 500 with her body. That's a good price even for a decent girl. Apparently this thought also came into her pretty head - the gadget is more expensive. Well, when she saw his powerful cock, the remnants of pride completely evaporated. Good decision - clever blonde!